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This lesson is aimed at introducing students to the different stages of physical growth and development in human beings from birth to 6 years of age. 

In these lessons, students become familiar with the four key periods of growth and human development: infancy (birth to 2 years old), early childhood (3 to 4 years old), middle childhood (4 to 6 years old).

For each stage of development, they learn about key physical stages or milestones, which are research and science-supported indicators that help to track the progress of a child's physical development at different stages of life. Conversely, they also learn that it is very natural and normal for children to reach these markers at different times.

Whole Brain: About

Growth Stages 1:  (1-3)

This course helps students become better aware of all of the natural physical stages of growth children experience in the first two years of life.



Movement:  Random movements become coordinated and controlled: grasping. touching, turning, balancing, crawling, walking. (birth - 1)

Order:  This sensitive period is characterized by a desire for consistency and repetition. A passionate love for established routines, children can be deeply disturbed by disorder. The environment must be carefully organized with a place for everything and with carefully established ground-rules.  (ages 1–3)

Whole Brain: Programs

Growth Stages 2:  Early childhood (3-4)

Small Objects:  Children experience a fixation on small objects and tiny details. (ages 3- 4)

Writing:  Children become fascinated with letters and numerals. They attempt to reproduce these with pencil or pen and paper. Montessori discovered that writing precedes reading. (ages 3- 4)

Expressive Language:  Use of words to communicate: a progression from babbling to words to phrases to sentences, with a continuously expanding vocabulary and comprehension. (ages 3 - 4)

Music:  Spontaneous interest in, and the development of, pitch, rhythm, and melody. (ages 3 - 4)

Refinement of the Senses:  A fascination with sensorial experiences (taste, sound, touch, weight, smell) results in children  learning to observe and make increasingly refined sensorial discriminations. (ages 3- 4)

Whole Brain: Programs

Growth Stages 3:  Early childhood (4-6)

Research shows that films and stories about early stages of human development fascinate children and they are particularly intrigued by comparisons of themselves now and earlier.(ages 4-6)



Reading:  Spontaneous interest in the symbolic representations of the sounds of each letter and in the formation of words.  (4- 5)

Grace and Courtesy:  Imitation of polite and considerate behavior leads to an internalization of these qualities into the personality. (4- 6)

Spatial Relationships:  Forming impressions about relationships in space: the design of familiar places, able to find the way around the neighbourhood, and increasingly able to work complex puzzles. (4 - 6)

Mathematics:  Formation of the concepts of quantity and operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) from the uses of concrete learning materials. (4 to 6)

Whole Brain: Programs
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