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Early Childhood Education Center

Our programs are designed to meet the needs of both children and families through specific goals and objectives. We focus on building off of the strengths of each child, taking advantage of every teachable moment.

Whole Brain Teaching

Whole Brain Teaching (WBT) is a blend of direct instruction and cooperative pedagogy that allow teachers to effectively deliver the lesson and to create an engaged and enjoyable learning experience for the children.


At Adamantine Education, our WBT courses are designed for 2-5 years old with a full combination of art lessons, imaginative play and logic training activities.

Kids Drawing

Parenting Strategy

Parents often seek guidance on child behavior problems. Questions may range from general parenting strategies to managing specific child behaviors. 


At Adamantine Education, we offer parenting consultancy services, free online courses and a community for parents to share their stories and experiences!

kids looking at fish
ECEC: Programs
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